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 近日,钟志勇教授在《中国法学(英文版)》2020年第2期上发表了题为“The Legal Balance Between the Right to Financial Freedom and the Power of Criminal Punishment: Taking Illegal Fundraising as an Example”的论文。文章主要分为四个部分,分别为:The Right to Financial Freedom: Theoretical Basis, Restrictions and Countermeasures; The Analysis of Conflicts Between the Right to Financial Freedom and the Power of Criminal Punishment; Using the Power of Criminal Punishment to Restrict the Right to Financial Freedom: Legitimacy and Its Limitation; Using the Power of Criminal Punishment to Restrict the Right to Financial Freedom: Legislative Improvement and Judicial Practice。全文长达31页,英文字数为15517,约相当为中文3万字左右。



上一条:beat365手机中文官方网站青年社会学者网络讲坛第一季预告 下一条:公司李喜燕教授接受法制日报专题采访
